

The clear Alternative To Braces

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign brand is a name for a type of thin, clear aligner used in orthodontic treatment. SmartTrack is a flexible thermoplastic material used for making the aligner. The Invisalign system can be used to align your teeth and perfect your smile. Its virtually invisible and cutting-edge design makes it unnoticeable. It consists of removable plastic trays made from smooth, transparent, BPA-free material. In accordance with Dr. Singh's prescription, Invisalign trays gently and gradually shift your teeth into position. Dr. Singh is a certified Invisalign provider who is skilled and knowledgeable in customizing and fine-tuning your treatment plan for optimum results.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

The major benefit of Invisalign aligners is that they are nearly invisible since they are clear and slip over your teeth almost like a mouthguard. They're made from smooth and flexible BPA-free plastic, so they fit your mouth perfectly and are incredibly comfortable. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are removable, have no food restrictions, and don't interfere with oral hygiene. Dr. Singh's use of digital technology enables him to specify the exact movements of each tooth, which makes the treatment exceptionally precise.

What is the process of Invisalign Treatment?

For Invisalign treatment, Dr. Singh uses our iTero scanner and advanced computer technology to create a 3D model of your mouth. This digital model is then used to digitally position each tooth exactly where it needs to be. A custom-made aligner is then created based on his specifications. The position of your teeth changes incrementally every time you wear a new set.

What types of dental issues can Invisalign correct?

A variety of issues can be treated with Invisalign, including crowding and spacing problems, as well as mild and moderate bite problems. Some of the issues that can be treated with Invisalign are: some types of overbite, underbite, crossbite issues, open bite, gap teeth, and crowded teeth.

Is Invisalign Right For You?

For Invisalign treatment, Dr. Singh uses our iTero scanner and advanced computer technology to create a 3D model of your mouth. This digital model is then used to digitally position each tooth exactly where it needs to be. A custom-made aligner is then created based on his specifications. The position of your teeth changes incrementally every time you wear a new set.

Advantages of Aligner Therapy

Freedom From Metal Orthodontic Braces

Aligner therapy has one of the biggest advantages over standard metal braces in terms of visibility. When undergoing orthodontic treatment, teens and adults who wish to maintain discretion may consider wearing transparent, removable and virtually invisible aligners.

Being Able To Eat What You Want

Traditional braces come with dietary restrictions, meaning you can only eat certain foods. Having braces means we can no longer eat many of the foods we liked and were able to enjoy before, since certain hard foods can break or damage the braces. Aligner therapy allows you to eat whatever you want while still getting straight teeth. This means you don't have to worry about food damaging your brackets. So, if you want to continue to eat while on aligner therapy, simply take off your aligner trays before eating.